“Start-Up” Program in Implant Dentistry Mentoring

Mentoring by Surgical Master Dr.Rajat Sachdeva

dental Implants

If you are looking for a Mentor to help you with your dental implant career then we may be able to help.

Dr Rajat Sachdeva has mentored and trained many Dentists over the years through formal courses and individually on a one-to-one basis.

If you have no experience of dental implants then it may be helpful to take a look at the section http://www.sachdevadentalcare.com/implanto-dontia.html

where details of our courses can be found. These courses are a great way to get started with dental implants.

Alternatively if you already have experience with dental implants but want to increase your confidence in certain areas then individual mentoring with Dr.Sachdeva may be more appropriate. For example, if you have already completed a few cases but want help with overall treatment planning then one-to-one Interaction with Dr Rajat could be very beneficial. Or, if you place implants confidently but want help with bone grafting techniques, Dr Rajat will be pleased to assist you.

Basically we can tailor individual mentoring to whatever level or area you require.

If you want to consider being mentored by Dr Rajat Sachdeva contact him directly on 01142464041 for an informal chat.

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